Merrick Mossman has 20+ years data center systems engineering/architecture experience with leading hardware and virtualization manufactures designing multi-site consolidations, business continuity and backup & recovery platforms, and private cloud HCI solutions. What drives Merrick is helping customers find the inflection point of cost, technology and business requirements.

Data Center Practice Lead

Hyperconverged Solutions
Let us show you how to automate operations with self-service of a private cloud built upon hyperconverged infrastructure
Data Center Compute
Server virtualization to HPC to VDI, we can spec and build the compute you need for your most demanding workloads
Data Center Networking
From switching to routing to laod balancing, automation and life cycle management, we can desing and implement a modern data center network architecture to support your critical applications and workloads
Storage Solutions
Storage selection depends on access, type, size, retention, availability, protection, and security, and we have the experience, tools and products to guide you through the complexity
Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, and Data Protection
DR, BC, and data protection all center on the same principles and often the same tools for application and data availability; let us help you architect the best solution to match your needs
Data Center Design and Migration
From local shops to globally distributed data centers, Lucidia can design the data center and can guide and assist you in your migration
Co-Location Assesment
Looking to move your on-premise data center to a co-located facility? Not sure which one to choose, which services each provide, what connectivity options are available? Let Lucidia help you. Our team of experts have the knowledge, tools and experience to help define your requirements and narrow the choice to facilities that meet or exceed those requirements. As your trusted advisor, we’ll provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.